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Good deals, judicial liquidations and foreclosures: when France is auctioned
- Broadcaster : M6
- Directed by : Valérie Rouvière and Martin Miski
- Duration : 90mn
Everyday items sold at unbeatable prices, cars sold off, or even apartments bought well below market prices! Bidding has become for many French a common mode of consumption. But behind these good deals lies the reality of suffering France. That of yellow vests and difficult end of the month. Auction houses or cars are seized from families who can no longer afford their credit, or from liquidations that decimate small businesses. Selling his family jewels or furniture is often the last way out for those who struggle to make ends meet. As a result of the crisis, the auction market has never been so successful. In the space of 10 years, the total amount awarded increased by 50% to exceed the record sum of 3 billion euros in 2017! The auctioneers are in every day, eyes in the eye, the extent of the economic difficulties of the French.